I’m A Binge Eater! Are You?
This isn’t a subject I talk a lot about and not very many people know this little secret about me. However, I use to be the closet binge eater. This is a person who hides somewhere and then binge eats everything in sight when no one is looking. The worse thing about being a closet binge eater is that I would beat myself up about binge eating. Yet in that very moment of stuffing my face, I truly didn’t care. I would tell myself it doesn’t matter what I eat because the scale doesn’t move anyways. Or I would say I only lost an inch all over so it doesn’t matter. The best one was when I compared myself to someone else and would say so and so can eat this and looks skinny. The list would go on and on until I felt like I was going to throw up from binging so much. It was almost like I lost all control of not only my mouth, but of my thoughts as well.
For years I struggled and soon started even blaming others for my binge eating sessions so I didn’t have to own it myself. What was going on was at my core I felt I didn’t have control of my life and I truly wasn’t happy with myself both inside and out. I lacked confidence and self worth, but at that time I didn’t know that’s what I was lacking. While I knew I didn’t feel pretty or sexy I didn’t realize what I didn’t have.
I tried exercising twice a day to overcome the binge eating. That just made it worse to be honest. I started diving deep into different nutriton programs trying to find one I could “stick to”. I failed miserably at those as well because each one was a crash diet where I did amazing for a week and then fell into my binge eating on the weekends. It wasn’t until I started looking at my “why” and what truly made me personally happy that I was able to slowly change the binge eating cycle.
While I still binge eat (yes I love cheat meals and I even do cheat days now) I am also able to control the binge eating if I choose. How great is that! I choose if I want to binge eat or not! I can also honestly say I never eat myself sick anymore either. A few years ago I never would have thought that this would be something I would be able to do. Yet here I sit totally rocking it. Now I’m sure you are wondering how I did this and I wish I could tell you there was this one magical thing I did, but the reality is it wasn’t just one thing. It was everything coming together and working with a coach that gave me this freedom. Yes coaches need coaches to push themselves in areas where they need to be pushed. While I knew what I needed to do and knew how to do the work, I really needed the accountability from my coach and someone to sit there and call me on my crap.
That’s why I created my new signature program called Smarter Success to Fat Loss. This program is one of a kind as it brings together the nutriton, exercise, and mindset to get you the true change you need. It’s not a crash diet plan or exercise each day for so many minutes. Instead it teaches you the foundation you need to be successful, working through the mental breakthroughs then building on where you are right now and where you want to be. If you are done exercising for hours a day, trying crash diets just to fail, and tired not liking what you see in the mirror then I want you to set up a free breakthrough session with me. In this session I help you uncover the missing link to where you are failing and how to overcome it. You can do that by clicking the link below