Hi and Welcome to No Run Solutions™ formerly Gillay Nutritional Gym!  I’m Krissy Jordan, and I am a transformational hormone coach. I graduated with my bachelors from CalU (Go Vulcans) Summa cum laude in Exercise Science and Wellness.

I am a mother of three girls (20, 13 & 11) and I have always had a passion for fitness my entire life. Back in 2011 after my third child, and struggling with the shape of my body, I decided to find a solution. Over the years I tried every diet on the market to include every supplement, distance running, and any form of exercise you could imagine. However, despite my best efforts I was not losing any weight and actually seemed to be gaining fat. Then I found a company that believed in Rest Based Training and no running!  WHAT?! This program completely changed my way of thinking and taught me how to lose the weight, tone up and achieve the body I wanted for life. I knew at this point in my life, my mission, was to help others who have struggled the way I struggled.

What I do is different than most coaches as I have been down a long road of metabolic damage, adrenal dysfunction, hormone dysfunction, and I developed two different autoimmune disorders along the way. My shortened story is…. 15 yrs ago I became extremely sick, I couldn’t hold anything in, not even water. From that day forward I knew something was wrong. I went to doctor after doctor and saw specialist after specialist, yet no one could piece it together. My health would be good for a few days/weeks and then I would completely crash and feel horrible and could barely function. All my labs came back normal, I was called fat by 3 doctors even though I only weighed 117lbs and my only complaint was extreme bloating and pain all over. I literally looked 6 months pregnant all the time and if you even touched my leg I would cry. I was gaining weight no matter how much I ate “healthy” and did cardio and then my hair started falling out. I knew I needed to take my health into my own hands.

I ended up enrolling in a holistic nutrition program that focused on gut health. From there I went into exercise science where I enrolled in college to earn my bachelor’s degree. After my sophomore year I learned I really enjoyed nutrition and focused on exercise science and wellness which covers whole body wellness. Over the years I have earned certifications in hormones, emotional eating, extreme weight loss, mental health weight loss, autoimmune weight loss, and teen weight loss. I have also hired and worked with the best of the best doctors/coaches in the holistic industry to help women who suffer just like I did to take back their life.

I don’t believe in a one size fits all diet; I actually don’t believe in diets at all. I believe in lifestyle change. We are all unique and have a unique metabolism and that’s why diets fail. I help women figure out what nutrition they need to lose fat and gain tone muscle. I don’t give you a diet where you can fail, I teach you real tools with real food that you can use even after working with me to always have the body and health you desire.

I would love to get your started by providing you a free 45-minute Breakthrough Session where we uncover changes you can make to get real results today.

Schedule Appointment

Some of the things I love are ❄️,  ☕️, 🍫, 🚶‍♀️ with ☕️ and 🏋️‍♀️.  Oh, did I mention ☕️

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