Failure Is Needed For Growth
Why is it we fear failure?
Why do we look at someone who has failed and deem it as bad?
This weekend I watched my little Kelsie swim the 100 Fly Long Course for the first time. She was very close to making the State Cut based upon a split time the day before. All she needed to do was stay steady and she would get it. She took off the block fast and strong, but it was a little too strong and on her back down the pool she started to fatigue and couldn’t breath.
I sat there watching her every stroke with shaking her head saying no as if she couldn’t do it. At this particular meet I happen to be behind the blocks (which I shouldn’t have been), but I started yelling yes you can along with her coaches. I could see the look on her face and her googles filling up with tears and I kept screaming yes you can! She finished the race didn’t get DQ’d and amongst all of that she came within 5 seconds of the State Cut!
If you’re not a swimmer this is a big deal! She was crying and holding her chest when she finished. I as a mom I couldn’t have been more proud in that moment. While I felt bad for her that she didn’t get that cut, I looked at her and said look how well you did and you didn’t give up. You fought for that race and you finished and came so close, which means when we correct a few things you will for sure get the cut.
As kids we all have that moment where we look back and say, man I wish I would have done this different or that different, but the reality is that moment shaped who you are today. That moment of failure lead you down a path. You may be saying yeah, the wrong path or you may be saying yes, the right path. The thing to remember is when walking a path you can always change directions!
Hitting rock bottom, failing time and time again is actually needed for growth. You find your strength in that moment and you start the climb again, except this time you make the climb with a few adjustments to avoid that failure again.
Often times when I work with women they always say this worked well and I just need to get back to it. Well if it worked so well why didn’t it stick? Why aren’t you doing it? Certain aspects of that may have worked well, but others did not and that’s why you aren’t able to get back on the wagon so to speak.
Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. I actually refer to this as the circle of insanity because we tend be like hamsters running around and around thinking we are getting somewhere.
To really get results you need to…
Adjust, learn, correct. Then take all that knowledge add it to what did work or what was successful and try again. I learned a valuable lesson a long time ago from an amazing man/friend (Jade Teta) who said “failure is only failure if you don’t learn from it”. These words changed my mindset and my life and is now why I simply try everything! If I fail at least I tried and I have learned some valuable lesson from the experience.
Now I’m sure you’re saying this all great Krissy, but I just can’t get past this or that or the fear of what if this happens again. I have been down that road and I’m so tired and scared. Failure is bound to happen again and it’s part of life, but the exact same failure won’t happen again unless you didn’t learn from it the first time. Be brave, know you can do it even when you think you can’t.
Just like Kelsie in that pool it was the job of the coaches (no, I’m not a swim coach, but a coach and I was there with them) to tell her she could do it. To know, show and push her outside that comfort zone so she could finish. We allowed her not to give up on herself. At times we all need that coach who will push you to the limit and beyond so you can grow and become the person you want to be.
Are you ready to make that investment in yourself? Are you ready to overcome the fear of failure and instead learn from it and grow from it? If so then book a breakthrough call with me where I will help you uncover where you are stuck and how to move you forward.
If you let fear and failure run your life, you will never reach what you deserve
The Journey Is Yours, Take The Freaking Leap!
Krissy, CTNC
P.S. Today was my first workout in two weeks. Yes, you can look amazing and not workout for weeks. You just have to master your metabolism. This is what I teach in my 12 week Smarter Success 2 Fat Loss Program. Learn more by scheduling a breakthrough call
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