4 Week Fat Blast Program


You know you have some weight to lose, but you just haven’t had the time, energy, or motivation to do anything about it. You’re so busy taking care of your kids and family that you barely have any time for yourself. So, you start to settle for your ‘mom bod,’ and you put slimming down in the ‘someday’ pile. When you’re stressed and crunched for time, it’s just easier to eat whatever junk is lying around the house, and who has time to go to the gym, right?

You don’t have to settle for a body that you don’t want!

I totally get where you’re coming from. After having my third child, I was really struggling with my weight and getting back in shape. I tried just about every solution I could find to lose that weight: crazy diets, hours of cardio…nothing worked! I seemed to be gaining even more fat. I knew I had to find a solution if I was going to get healthy for myself and my family.

After searching for what felt like forever, I finally figured out a plan that worked! I was able to shed the extra baby weight and tone my entire body (including that mommy pouch that I was afraid had permanently replaced my tummy). I learned how to conquer my food cravings and build my willpower so my eating habits didn’t sabotage all of my hard work. I created a system that works, and now I want to teach that system to you!

4 Week Fat Blast

You can do something about your mom body!

You don’t have to be a slave to your food cravings!

My 4 Week Fat Blast program will help you get back in control. You’ll start to shed those unwanted pounds, tone up and get in better shape so you have the energy and stamina to keep up with your kids. You won’t be giving in and eating unhealthy foods all the time because you’ll feel full, and you’ll have a set of mental tools you need to give you the willpower you’ve been lacking. You’ll find the discipline you’ve been wanting but haven’t been able to find. The average women loses 10lbs and 10 inches in the 4 weeks!

What’s in the 4 Week Fat Blast?

Here’s what you’ll get with my 4 Week Fat Blast Program:

  • 5 quick workouts each week that you can actually fit into your busy schedule
  • Video tutorials to help guide you through each workout so you can get maximum results
  • Mindset training to help you get over the guilt of spending time doing something for yourself, and to help you charge your willpower battery
  • All nutrition can be done with Real food, no expensive supplements or shakes. Real food for real results
  • A sample meal plan to help you figure out what kinds of foods you should be eating when to maximize fat loss
  • Daily Emails to keep you on track and accountable


This program is more than just another workout and diet plan. It will teach you how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that will not only help you burn fat now, but will help you keep it off long term. My 4 Week Fat Blast is the solution you’ve been looking for to finally feel confident when you look in the mirror. It’s the support, structure, and accountability that you’ve been needing to make that change you’ve been wanting for so long.

What Are You Waiting For?

You’ve spent enough time being unhappy with how you look and feel. You’ve waited long enough to have the energy you need to keep up with your kids and busy life. You’ve been a slave to your food cravings for way too long. Get the change you’ve been waiting for so you can not only feel better in your own skin, but so that you can have the mental and physical energy you need to give your best to your family.

I once offered this program for $249, but you can now get this program for $197. You couldn’t hire a personal trainer for a single session for that price, but I’m giving you everything you need to shed fat fast, and jump start metabolism.

Are you ready to change?

Are you ready to finally feel great, inside and out?

Not sure if this program is for you? Set up a Breakthrough call with Krissy today!

Schedule Appointment